Getting started
Subgrounds can be installed via pip
with the following command:
pip install subgrounds
Subgrounds requires python>=3.10
If you run into problems during installation, see Set up an isolated environment.
Simple example
>>> from subgrounds import Subgrounds
# Initialize Subgrounds
>>> sg = Subgrounds()
# Load a subgraph
>>> aaveV2 = sg.load_subgraph('')
# Create a SyntheticField on the Borrow entity type using Python arithmetic operators
>>> aaveV2.Borrow.adjusted_amount = aaveV2.Borrow.amount / 10 ** aaveV2.Borrow.reserve.decimals
# Create a partial FieldPath representing a selection on the borrows field with arguments
>>> last10_borrows = aaveV2.Query.borrows(
... orderBy=aaveV2.Borrow.timestamp,
... orderDirection='desc',
... first=10
... )
# Query FieldPaths and format the result into a Pandas DataFrame
>>> sg.query_df([
... last10_borrows.reserve.symbol,
... last10_borrows.timestamp,
... last10_borrows.adjusted_amount
... ])
borrows_reserve_symbol borrows_timestamp borrows_adjusted_amount
0 USDT 1643300294 500000.000000
1 DAI 1643299575 6000.000000
2 USDT 1643298921 900000.000000
3 USDT 1643297685 500000.000000
4 USDC 1643296256 50000.000000
5 PAX 1643295342 4150.000000
6 USDT 1643294783 9000.000000
7 DAI 1643293451 45585.919063
8 UNI 1643289600 50000.000000
9 USDT 1643289117 14000.000000